Thursday, November 3, 2005

Roleplay Names

One of the first steps in creating and fully fleshing out your character, is their name.  Some people are not big on names and wait until the end to choose one.  I however, hate roleplaying a character that has a name I don’t like, it makes it difficult to get into character and develop them when I am constantly wondering “why on earth did I choose this name…?”

Some people try to use names that have a meaning behind them, and either choose names that have meanings based on the created attitude/views of that character, or develop a character around the name meaning.

There is no right or wrong way to name your character…well kind of.  For instance, you can’t name a character “Ipwnjoo” and expect to be taken seriously when you attempt to RP with others.  Other than that, my only suggestion is to pick a name you will know you like and save yourself some trouble, money and time in the long run.

Feel free to look through the list of names in my blog and find one you really like!  Hey, if you do find one and use it, I would love to see the profile you create!

My posts listed under "General RP Names" can usually work for any race/class if you are stuck, cannot find your category, or want more choices.

General RP Names:


Medieval Names

Japanese Names


Elyos - For these names I found names meaning or pertaining to "light"

Asmodian - For these names, I found names meaning or pertaining to "Dark"

These may also be useful:

Names meaning "bird"

Names of Angels and names that mean Angel

World of Warcraft:

Elf Names (Night Elf or Blood Elf)


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