Sunday, November 1, 2009

WoW RP Realm Review

Welcome to my RP Realm Ratings. If you feel I am incorrect in anything I say about your server, please post something and let me know! My intent is not to insult anyone or any server, and experiences may vary on an individual basis, so I could easily be wrong about some things

Please note all these ratings are based off my experience as a new low level player ONLY.  Unfortunately I do not have the money to transfer to every RP realm, and I doubt blizz would give me free transfers to test this.

Because I am basing this on low level experience, I am trying to rate my experience of that server based off general information that is true regardless of level.  However, there are always limitations to being level 1, a lot of people don’t RP with level 1s and you can’t really get into good guilds at level 1. 

On each server, I created a low level alliance and horde alt.  I spent my time wandering around major cities, monitoring RP channels and guild recruitment channels, seeing how many people had RP add ons, how many people I personally saw with RP add ons and if I did see anyone, I attempted to interact with them, how many people were generally online in the known RP guilds of that server, how many people were around and RPing.

I tried to spend a couple days wandering around each realm at various times of the day to get a better idea on that server.

This is rated in order of (what I thought were) best to least.  I will most likely be rerolling/transferring to Wyrmrest Accord, as it is my favored realm out of all listed.

RP Activity/Community Score
Star System
* =   No RP – People are using Add Ons, heard of no RP guilds, saw nobody RPing
** = Lite RP – People are using RP Addons, has 1-2 active RP guilds online each time I checked, but did not see much RP in person or channels or in recruitment.
*** = Medium RP - People are using Add Ons, has 3 or more active RP guilds online each time I checked, people are in RP channels and actively talk in them, see a decent amount of RP guild recruitment
**** = High RP – People are using RP Add Ons, has 5 or more active RP guilds online each time I checked, people are in RP channels and actively talk in them, see a good amount of RP guild recruitment, see people RPing
***** = Excellent Amount of RP – People are using RP Addons, has several active RP guilds online each time I checked, people are in RP channels and actively talk in them, see a good amount of RP guild recruitment, see people RPing
+ = That based on my rating scale they received X amount of stars, but I have personally heard many good things even though I didn’t see them myself.
- = That based on my rating scale, they received X amount of stars, but the players there don’t seem to enjoy the server much.

Top 3 Realms:
Wyrmrest Accord - (Horde ****) (Alliance ***)
Moon Guard -  (Horde ***+) (Alliance ****)
Farstriders - (Horde ***) (Alliance **+)

Wyrmrest Accord
Pop: Medium
Other Forums:

Generally has between 900+ people using FlagRSP
About 90% of those have descriptions in FlagRSP

Known RP Guilds that seemed active when I checked
The Silvermoon Academy
Brightmoon Faire
Shindu Alar
The Earthspear Tribe

Guild Recruitment in game – Not really any RP talk in trade, mostly raiding guild recruitment though some RP Guild and Casual recruitment as well.


Alliance: ***
Known RP Guilds that seemed active when I checked
Brightmoon Faire
Crimson Eclipse
Arbiters of Light

Guild Recruitment in game – Not really any RP talk in trade, mostly raiding guild recruitment though some RP Guild and Casual recruitment as well.


General Atmosphere
Both sides of this server seem to have a great RP atmosphere, Horde’s seem slightly better. Both sides seem to have a helpful and accepting group of people.  There are some real jerks here, but those are everywhere.  The environment and good people you can find here make up for that.

Friendliness Factor:
Good, this server seems very accepting of RPers, and there are a lot of RPers to network with as well as a lot of RP guilds.

Moon Guard
Pop: High
Moonguard Wiki
Moonguard Realm Forums

Generally has between 600+ people using FlagRSP
About 80% of those have descriptions in FlagRSP

Alliance: ****
Known RP Guilds that seemed active when I checked:
Deeprun Thieves Network 
Northshire Templar 
The Underfoot Express
Knights of Menethil 
Court of Shadows 

Guild Recruitment in game – Good mix of RP and recruitment of other guild types, trade often has RP questions as well.

Channels seem run by guilds mainly, nothing really going on in /rp but tons of RP everywhere.  If you can’t find RP here your really not looking hard enough.

Horde: ***+
Known RP Guilds that seemed active:
Banepaw Network
Burning Tusk Tribe
Kiss of the Betrayer
The Shadarim

Guild Recruitment in game – Good mix of RP and recruitment of other guild types, trade often has RP questions as well.

Don’t really know of any, not many were using flagrsp, or I was having issues with it..

General Atmosphere
On Alliance side, whenever I checked, there were always quite a few RPers around Cath Square in Stormwind RPing, many walking around the city as well.

On Horde side, most RP here seems to take place in Silvermoon, I am guessing you have to know where to RP in the city here as I was warned to stay away from some of the main shady inns.  Saw a lot of RPers walking around though, and also saw a moving marriage proposal.

Friendliness Factor:
Good, this server seems very accepting of RPers, and there are a lot of RPers to network with as well as a lot of RP guilds.

Basic Info: Medium Pop
Realm Forums

Number of People using FlagRSP – Around 50-60
Number of People with Descrips in FlagRSP: about half that

Horde: ***
Known RP Guilds that seemed active:
House of Balewind
House of Darksun
Sanguine Dawn
Good Spirits
Violet Offensive

Guild Recruitment in game – Noticed Very few guild recruitment messages, I saw 1 RP/PVP guild and no others

None listed on Realm Forums
A little discussion in /RP forums, seemed to have a bunch of people there and would probably be pretty easy to strike up an event or find someone to RP with.

Alliance: **+
Known RP Guilds that seemed active:
The Shadowed Hall
House of Marov 

Guild Recruitment in game – Noticed Very few guild recruitment messages, the ones I –did- see were all raiding guilds.

None listed on Realm Forums
Nothing going on in /RP saw nobody join or leave channel, I checked later and it appears some jerk set a password on it so I couldn’t access it to tell more.  I asked what other RP channels there were but everyone ignored me

General Atmosphere:
Noticed very little to RP that I saw

Friendliness Factor:

Overall impression from an outside perspective
Overall, it seems like the horde have more of an RP community than the Alliance.  I never saw anyone join or leave the alliance channels, never saw anyone with flagrsp that I could try to talk to.  The Horde is small but it appears to be growing.  I heard talk of RP events, and their /hordeRP channel is active and very friendly.

Population: High
(Note: Does not appear to be very active)

Generally has between 60-70 people using FlagRSP
About half of those have descriptions in FlagRSP

Alliance: **
 Known RP Guilds and activity:
Forums don’t list RP guilds (that I saw) I of course got quite a few sarcastic remarks in trade, one person said Order of the Rose which seems somewhat active

Guild Recruitment in game – Most of the guild recruitment messages were for raiding and casual guilds.

None listed on Realm Forums
Nothing going on in /RP saw nobody join or leave channel, I checked later and it appears some jerk set a password on it so I couldn’t access it to tell more.  I asked what other RP channels there were but everyone ignored me.

General Atmosphere:
Not really any RP, mostly just an overpopulated PVE server with a small and hard to find RP community, from what I can tell.  Their realm forums have a bit of RP and RP info on them though, which is promising and you may be able to find an network with people through there, though some of the resources seem a bit stale and outdated.

Friendliness Factor:

Horde: **
Known RP Guilds and activity: 
Asked around and one person mentioned Thalasian Cartel which was active when I checked. I was told by an RPer that this is not the realm to transfer to if you are looking for RP.

Guild Recruitment in game – All of the guild recruitment messages were for raiding and casual guilds.

None listed on Realm Forums
Nothing going on in /RP

Friendliness Factor:

Steamwheedle Cartel **-
Pop: Low

Generally has between 10-15 people using FlagRSP-
About half of those have descriptions in FlagRSP

Known RP Guilds and activity:
kinda hard to find

Most Active RP guilds from times I checked:
Of The Corrupted Order

Guild Recruitment in game – only saw 1 recruitment message and it was for a medium RP guild.

(around 10 people in them)
Friendliness Factor:

Alliance **+ (Gets a plus because I hear it has really good RP, its just harder to find)
Known RP Guilds that seemed active:
Darkblade Elite

Guild Recruitment in game – didn’t really see any guild recruitment

Channels seem run by guilds mainly, I heard there were some good ones but not told what they were.

Friendliness Factor:
Very Good

Seems like a pretty nice server with a decent amount of RPers and guilds based on its low population.  The RPers all seemed very friendly, and I was told that it’s a little harder to find but the RP found here is quality RP, so it seems like this server is definitely Quality over Quantity.  Seems like it would be easier to find RP at a higher level, and easier to find it on Alliance.

Argent Dawn:
Pop: Medium

Generally has between 40-50 people using FlagRSP-
About half of those have descriptions in FlagRSP

Known RP Guilds:
None of the ones I checked from the RP guild list on their realm forums seemed active, someone told me Shadow Song was an RP guild that was rather active.

Guild Recruitment in game – mostly raiding guild recruitment, some leveling guild, and 1 RP guild recruitment for Coven of the Night which invited me when I asked them questions, but I didn’t join.

Channels seem run by guilds mainly, I heard there were some good ones but not told what they were.

Friendliness Factor:
Okay, there seems to be a lot of RP griefers on this server.  When I first walked into Stormwind there was a lot of “lol wut iz rp” going on, so I guess someone was discussing it before I arrived.

Horde: *
Known RP Guilds:
Couldn't find any, or anyone to help me with the names of some.

Guild Recruitment in game – mostly raiding guild recruitment and leveling guild.

Channels seem run by guilds mainly, nobody was active on the basic ones I checked.

Friendliness Factor:
Not sure, didn't really get enough information from people to appropriately judge.

Doesn't seem like a good RP server to transfer to, there are some pockets of RPers on the Alliance Side though a little harder to find.  Horde side may have some, but they are harder to find.  Could also be due to my level.

Other Realms:
There are more RP Realms which I am not rating due to the lack of Roleplay activity to form a proper rating.  If you're still interested in checking them out, these are:

Blackwater Raiders
Cenarion Circle
Earthen Ring
Scarlet Crusade
Shadow Council
Silver Hand
Sisters of Elune
The Scryers
Thorium Brotherhood

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