Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jedi Consular Names for Females and Males

Jedi Consular names will generally reflect the class the Consular is from.  In the case of SWTOR, Jedi Consulars can be any of the following races: (name lists coming soon)
Human RP Names

You may wish to check out the above names to help find a name for your Jedi Consular.  In addition to the class specific names above, Jedi will generally fit into classifications - especially when it comes to class type.  In the case of Jedi Consular, attributes are Wise, Visionary, Peaceful.

To read more about the Jedi Consular visit

Here are some Jedi names based on attributes usually associated with the Jedi Consular characters:

Jedi Knight Names for Females and Males

Jedi Knight names will generally reflect the class the Jedi Knight is from.  In the case of SWTOR, Jedi Knights can be any of the following races: (name lists coming soon)
Human RP Names

You may wish to check out the above names to help find a name for your Jedi.  In addition to the class specific names above, Jedi will generally fit into classifications such as valiant or harmonious - names that reflect those classifications are good picks for Jedi characters.

To read more about the Jedi Knight visit

Here are some Jedi names based on attributes usually associated with the Jedi characters

Friday, November 6, 2009

Roleplay Conversation Starters and Introductions


Today I would like to discuss roleplay introductions and conversation starters for use in game.  One thing I see too often in roleplay, is the generic "How are you today?" introduction.  It's not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just...well, boring if you let it sit at that.  Not only that, it generally leads to the same conversation every time and goes nowhere.  You know those conversations you feel stuck in when someone is trying to be polite, so you don't want to excuse yourself? That's what this leads to...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

RP Names for Worgen

Worgen Names:

Here are some names that are associated with Wolves.  

RP Names for Goblins


Goblin Names:

Goblin names are a lot like Gnome Names, though a bit different.  You can still get some ideas from gnome names though.  From Wowwiki:

Every goblin has a given name and a family name. The family names portray some ancestor's achievement, though a goblin may take a new family name if he feels he has made an accomplishment that outstrips that of his eponymous forebear.

RP Names for Gnomes


Gnome Names:

A little background on Gnome names from wowwiki:

“Gnomes have family names that represent an honored ancestor’s achievements, but they only keep these names until some time in their thirties. At this point, gnome society expects them to have made their own achievements, and thus the gnome invents a new name that represents his own accomplishments. This name then takes the place of his family name. “
Gnomes have first names, which is generally similar to a human name, while their last name, or family name, tends to reflect engineering, height or other tradeskill.

Here are some first names that mean “small” in various languages, perhaps finding a name you like will tell you more about the traits you would like your character to display.  For instance – Piera means small rock.  Perhaps your character could be unyielding and stubborn.

RP Names for Draenei


Draenei Names

Draenei, unlike most races, do not have last names.  The names of Draenei seem closely modeled afer Indian names.  Here is a list of male and female names that would work well for accurate sounding Draenei names:

Fun Stuff!




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